Microbiological Tests

​Microbiological analysis of cosmetic products and raw materials is required for manufacturers as a quality control test at all levels of production. They must comply with good practices guidelines of manufacturing and fabrication guidelines.



microbiological testing Norma method

Standard Method

• Microbiological analysis of cosmetics NOM-089-SSA1-1994

• Microbial Challenge NMX-BB-040-SCFI-1999

• Method for counting total coliform microorganisms on plate NOM-113-SSA1-1994

• Determination of indicator microorganisms

• Determination of pathogenic microorganisms (Coliforms in water by the NMP method) NOM-210-SSA1-2014

microbiological tests pharmacopoeial method

Pharmacopoeial Method

• MGA 0571 Microbial limits.

• MGA 0305 Effectiveness of antimicrobial preservatives.

• MAG 0381 Sterility.

•MGA 0316 Determination of bacterial endotoxins.

• MGA 0100 Microbiological evaluation of antibiotics.